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軽井沢安東美術館​ 2022

​建築設計:株式会社ディーディーティー / 武富 恭美
写真:株式会社エスエス / 走出 直道

Musée Ando à Karuizawa 2022

​Architectural Design:d/dt Arch.  / Taketomi Yasumi

Photo:Naomichi Sode / SS.Co.,Ltd.


Musée Ando á Karuizawa is a private art gallery dedicated to the Japanese artist Léonard Foujita, who lived in France and later acquired French citizenship. The gallery was established by the Andos, who wished to create a space that allowed visitors to feel as if they were viewing the artworks in the comfort of their own homes. Indirect lighting was chosen as the primary form of lighting, with ultra-small spotlights used to add light only where absolutely necessary. One of the exhibition rooms is furnished with chandeliers and table lamps to establish a sense of elegance appropriate to Karuizawa.

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